When is a good time to Pressure Wash?

Home maintenance happens all year round, but it is important to consider timing and seasons for certain tasks like exterior cleaning. Exterior cleaning takes off dirt and dust that has been collecting on your house, leaving it fresh and ready for the next season. Many homeowners turn to pressure washing or soft washing their home as an effective way to get rid of any grime.

Cleaning the house

Exterior cleaning isn’t limited to just one approach. Two common methods of cleaning the outside of your house are pressure washing and soft washing. Pressure washing is fast and effective, though some homeowners are concerned about the high pressure and the potentially damaging impact it may have on the house- the high water pressure can also lead to injury if not used correctly. If you’re hesitant to use pressure or power washing, soft washing is a good alternative that does not rely on high pressure. Both methods are commonly used and clean bacteria, mildew, and dirt from the house.

The ideal time

Generally, the best time to clean the outside of your house is in the fall; spring cleaning is also a popular choice, though you will have to be wary of more frequent rainstorms, pollen, and humid days. In terms of weather, the fall has plenty of mild days when it’s not too hot or too cold, and rainstorms and ice is not a huge concern. Cleaning on a sunny day will also help to dry the house faster after washing. The first part of fall is a great time to thoroughly wash your exteriors since there’s more favorable weather, and you will be able to clean off dirt and mold from summer storms.

Prepare your home for the winter

Fall cleaning is an effective way to freshen your home before winter arrives. Leaves and residue often get trapped along the house siding, cracks in the driveway, decks, and porches. Harsh winters can bring snow, ice, and debris to your house, so it’s recommended to thoroughly clean all exteriors in the fall to prepare your home for the winter and remove debris again in the spring. This is especially important if you live in climates with longer or colder winters.

Other factors to consider

In many cases, you can tell if your house needs some cleaning from a visual perspective. Is it looking more dusty or faded recently? More dirt spots you want to get rid of? If you are still debating after doing a visual check-up on your home, you can consider these other factors:

  1. How dirty is it? Rub your finger on one side of the house to check how much dust is present, and determine if your house needs cleaning.

  2. If you live near dirt roads, it’s a good idea to wash your house every few months to keep the dust at bay.

  3. Check your house after storms- especially windy ones- since they often carry debris and leave houses dirtier.

  4. Watch out for humid weather and check on your house for mold and mildew growth.

  5. While some homeowners may need to pressure wash every few months, a good rule of thumb to follow is to clean the exterior thoroughly at least once every year. A great time to do this is in the fall.

  6. People living near construction sites, plenty of leafy trees, areas with lots of vehicle exhaust, and/or windy regions will likely need to clean their home’s exterior more often.

Exterior cleaning = protecting your home

Dust and dirt on a house may not sound that concerning, but they can be damaging in the long run. It’s a good idea to check with exterior cleaning services and experts to maintain your home. Here are a few reasons why it’s important:

Invest in cleaning services

Getting your home professionally cleaned is a good financial investment for your property in the long run. Experts clean out unwanted mold, soot, and other residue from every nook and cranny so you won’t have to worry about missing a section. It’s also a safer option to hire a professional; standing on a roof or ladder with a washer is dangerous and can cause serious injuries.

  • Driveway damage

    • Sand and silt easily collect in pores of concrete which can scratch surfaces and lead to more cracks and damage. If you have an asphalt or concrete driveway, consider oil stain removal and resealing to remove unpleasant stains and prevent cracks from widening. Motor oil can also erode asphalt and concrete and cannot be effectively rinsed off with just a hose.

  • Decks and patios

    • If you have a deck (especially a wooden one), it’s wise to take a few preventative measures to steer clear of stains and debris. Make sure to place mats or blocks under flower pots to prevent dirt from being trapped. Use grease catchers under grills, and sweep your deck often to remove leaves and dust. Snow and ice can accumulate and lead to damage in the winter months, so it’s a good idea to shovel off any snow after a storm. Replace any rotting boards as soon as possible, and getting your deck professionally sealed and cleaned every couple years will help protect it against harsh weather.

  • Gutter cleaning

    • Clogged gutters mean that dirty rainwater will run down the side of your home and may lead to interior water leaks. There’s also a risk of rain reaching your home’s foundation, causing cracks or basement leaks.

  • Windows

    • Grainy substances can scratch against glass and make your windows more fragile and thin. This makes windows look duller and it becomes harder to keep a stable interior temperature as cold and heat can be let into your house more easily.

  • Roofs

    • Substances like grime hold moisture and can be found under roof shingles and brick, which causes surfaces to become soft and potentially cracks. Soft washing is an excellent choice for roof cleaning. The low water pressure cleans residue off the roof and will not loosen or damage any roof tiles or shingles. See our other article on no pressure (soft wash) roof cleaning for more information and resources.


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